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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Talk Themes and Topics Week18 (August 8-14 2021)

Talk 基礎
This week we will be studying 'Come' 'Go', 'Bring', and 'Take '.

Talk 初級
The topic for this week is: Entertainment

Part 3 Roleplay:
Describe a TV show / Plan a party / At a concert

Talk 初中級
This week, we will be talking about many different things, including:

Tell the class about a party you went to / You should always ______ / If you have ever been on a tour / Whether you dip or dunk your biscuit/cookie in tea or coffee / If you agree with the following statement: Japan is NOT a safe country / Tell the class something interesting about Shiga

Talk 中級
The topics for discussion in Talk 中級​ this week are:

If you think money is the most important thing when it comes to finding a job, and if you think people are mostly motivated by money / If you think the tourism industry in Kyoto will return to its "pre-COVID" state, and how you imagine tourism changing in Kyoto when things return to normal / What difficult, but in hindsight, rewarding situation you've been in, and what you learnt from that experience

Talk 上級​

A terrifying moment: a time when you lost something or got lost yourself / a dangerous encounter (e.g. mugging, attack, dangerous/upset animal, a close call) / A time you witnessed something scary or supernatural

Actions speak louder than words: A situation or memory where somebody said one thing or said they were a certain person but their actions or behaviour contradicted this (could be about yourself)

E.g. partner saying they will change or help you with something but they never do / Work related staff or superiors making promises, etc., but not keeping them

Talk Classes一覧