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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Talk Themes and Topics Week32 (November 24-30 2023)

Talk 基礎
"Will" and "Going to"

Talk 初級
The topic for this week is: Comforts
- How do you get comfortable at home?
- What is your go-to comfort food?
- What makes you uncomfortable?

Talk 初中級
- How many pairs of shoes do you own?
- What do you find confusing?
- What do you do if you can’t sleep?
- When was the last time you felt moved by something?
- In life, happiness is the most important thing. Discuss.
- ____ is the best place in Japan.

Talk 中級
- What’s your favourite way to spend the weekend or a day off?
- How has technology changed the way we communicate?
- What hobbies did you do in the past (but not anymore)?

Talk 上級
- Any topic you want to discuss
- Quotation
“It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise" (Fyodor Dostoyevsky (19th century Russian writer))
- What’s something you gave up? Why?
- Agree/Disagree
Technology has made humanity less compassionate overall.

Talk Classes一覧