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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Talk Themes and Topics Week22 (September 10-16 2021)

Talk 基礎
This week we will be studying 'Hear' & 'Listen To'.

Talk 初級
The topic for this week is:What if...?

Part 3 Roleplay:
You won the lottery / You found a 'dokodemo' door / You won an all-expenses-paid trip 

Talk 初中級
This week, we will be talking about many different things, including:

What you spend too much time doing / If there's a movie you can watch again and again / Whether you prefer to wear bright or dark colours / If you are a cautious person / Where the best place to retire in Japan is / Tell the class about a time you helped someone else 

Talk 中級
The topics for discussion in Talk 中級​ this week are:

Whether you would own a gun if you lived in a place where gun ownership was commonplace / When you feel motivated, and if motivation is something that can be controlled / What your favourite medium for entertainment is, if you're a reader, a watcher, or a listener, and if you can think of possible future ways of consuming media 

Talk 上級
1. "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." - Oscar Wilde

What do you think about this quote? Is it true in your case?
Tell the class a story of when you felt like you were 'truly' alive or living life to its fullest / Share an experience where this was definitely not the case. E.g. times you felt like you were wasting your time or life doing something. 

2. Disappointed or let down by someone: A moment or time when someone revealed their true colours. 

Have you ever believed or thought someone was one way but they turned out to be completely different? / Realising someone was two-faced: an experience where someone was nice to your face but horrible behind your back.

Extra questions: Is it easier to be two-faced than to just be upfront? / Do you think everyone is a bit two-faced in their own way? 

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