Talk 基礎
"Have", "Get" and "do"
Talk 初級
The topic for this week is: Work
1. If you could have any job, what would it be?
2. What did you like/dislike about your last job?
3. What was your first job?
Talk 初中級
1. Which genre of movie would you like to star in?
2. What are three scents that you like?
3. What is one product you couldn’t live without?
4. Do (or did) you have a celebrity crush?
5. Where have you always dreamed of going?
6. What is something you’re really bad at?
Talk 中級
1. What’s the most you’ve spent on a book?
2. What’s more stressful: many small tasks or one big one?
3. How do you feel about food fusion?
Talk 上級
- Any topic you want to discuss
- Quotation
“Human genius has its limits while human stupidity does not.” (Alexandre Dumas)
- What are you worse than the average person at doing?
- Agree/Disagree
Jobs should be limited to four days a week.