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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Talk Themes and Topics Week8 (May 25-31 2024)

Talk 基礎
"Will" and "Going to"

Talk 初級
The topic for this week is: Celebrations
- What do you like to do to celebrate birthdays?
- What Japanese holidays or festivals do you enjoy?
- What food do you enjoy eating during the holidays or festivals?

Talk 初中級
- Is there any junk food or unhealthy food you love?
- Do you forgive people easily?
- Do you daydream often? About what?
- Are animals and humans equal?
- What kind of science are you interested in?
- Would you ever live in the middle of nowhere?

Talk 中級
- How patient are you?
- Do you ever feel forced to join what everyone else is doing?
- I’d like to be reincarnated as a _____________.

Talk 上級
- Any topic you want to discuss
- Proverb
“Any AI smart enough to pass a Turing test is smart enough to know to fail it.”(Ian McDonald)
- Tell us about a time you were mean?
- Agree/Disagree
Games are more fun when there is a winner and a loser.

Talk Classes一覧