Talk 基礎
This week we will be studying "What...?"
Talk 初級
The topic for this week is: Fashion
- What is your favorite item of clothing?
- Are school uniforms good or bad? Why?
- How has your personal style changed since you were young?
Talk 初中級
- What is your proudest moment?
- What improvements would you like to make to your home?
- Would you like to be famous?
- Could you kill a large animal for food?
- Do you have any hidden talents?
- Have you ever broken a bone?
Talk 中級
- Did you meet your parents’ expectations?
- What school subject should everyone take?
- Is there something more important than love?
Talk 上級
- Any topic you want to discuss
- Quotation
“He who dares not offend cannot be honest” - Thomas Paine
- Is a desk job better than an outdoor job?
- Agree/Disagree
TV and video games encourage violence.