Talk 基礎
This week we will be studying 'Hear' & 'Listen To'
Talk 初級
The topic for this week is: Eco-Friendly
Part 3 Roleplay:
Spring clean / Restaurant / Recycling center
Talk 初中級
What your dream job was when you were a child / If you've ever stuck up for someone / What you want to do but are afraid to try / How you would describe yourself in three words / If you think standing bars are healthier for you / What makes you the happiest
Talk 中級
What you have a love and hate relationship with / What you would do if you had to commit one act of kindness today / Time travel is now widely available; however, you can only observe things, not influence them. What would you like to observe and why?
Talk 上級
Culture shock - Have you ever been somewhere and experienced culture shock?
Songs / Films / Paintings - Do you have a particular song, film, or piece of art that... 1) resonates with you or holds a special place in your heart / 2) reminds you of a specific person or time and place in your life
Reconnected with an old friend or colleague - Have you ever reconnected or caught up with someone you used to know? / How did it go? had you both changed or was it easy to pick up where you left of? / Is this something you actively do or do you tend to avoid these kinds of situations or meetups?