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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Talk Themes and Topics Week28 (October 22-28 2021)

Talk 基礎
This week we will be studying 'Why' & 'Which'

Talk 初級
The topic for this week is: Spooky

Part 3 Roleplay:
You hear a strange noise / Getting ready for a Halloween party / Deciding which scary movie to watch

Talk 初中級
This week, we will be talking about many different things, including:

If you were a cool kid in school / The reason why you'd never live in another country / If you're a direct person / Tell the class about a passion you have or had / If you think food waste is a problem / How you feel about winter

Talk 中級
The topics for discussion in Talk 中級​ this week are:

If you think young people are obsessed with social media, sometimes more than reality. And what some potential pros & cons of using social media are / Where you would want to go and why if you went out for a first date / Tell the class about one of your all-time favorite songs

Talk 上級​
If you think people should have the right to bear arms (gun ownership is legal in over 175 countries / If you think we have doomed the world for future generations / If you think trying new things is stressful, and if it's better to stick to what you know / If you think swear words are bad

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