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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week34 (December 8-14 2024)

Conflict Resolution

Warm up: What conflicts have you encountered at work? How were they resolved?

Part 1: The 5 Types of Conflict
There are 5 types of conflict that might affect you at work. Let’s take a look at them and consider some solutions.

Part 2: Video
arise: (v.) emerge or begin to exist
misinterpret: (v.) to misunderstand something
voice: (v.) express something in words
compromise: (n.) an agreement reached after those involved in a conflict reduce their demands during a conflict
unbiased: (adj.) able to judge fairly without being influenced by one’s own opinions
keep (something) in check: (v.) to keep something under control
open mind: (n.) a willingness to listen to or accept different ideas.

