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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week21 (September 1-7 2023)

Topic: Interns

Part 1a: A regular intern vs a mature intern

Part 1b: What are the pros and cons of a mature intern vs a regular intern?

Part2: Video

customer purchase patterns: (n.) these refer to the trends and behaviours that customers exhibit when making purchases. It includes analysing aspects like when, what, and how often customers buy products or services.
ping (someone): (v.) to send a message or notification, usually electronically, to get someone's attention.
I hear you: (phrase) you understand or acknowledge what someone has said, often used to show empathy or agreement.
You’re not gonna wanna hear this, but…: this phrase indicates that an unwelcome or potentially difficult-to-accept piece of information that is about to be shared.
I can offer my assistance in this area: (phrase) the speaker is willing to help or provide support in a specific domain or subject.
clean slate: (n.) a fresh start without any past restraints or faults
