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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week26 (October 8-14 2022)

This week's topic is: Guerilla Marketing

Part 1: The video game industry is introducing children to gambling
loot (n.): something of value (often stolen) 
in the good ol’ days (phrase): refers to a better time in the past
rinse and repeat (v.): do the same thing again and again
turn to (v.): start doing or becoming involved with something
hook (v.): something that catches one’s attention
come in (v.): become involved
randomised (adj.): to make something unpredictable; often controlled by chance / monetisation (n.): the action or process of earning revenue from an asset, business, etc.
redeem (v.): gain something in exchange for money; exchange a coupon etc. for an item
correlation (n.): a connection between two or more things
akin (adj.): similar
unregulated (adj.): not controlled by laws
deem (v.): regard or consider in a specific way
loophole (n.): an inadequacy in the law that can be taken advantage of
govern (v.): control

Part 2 - Video: EA & FIFA – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
plausible deniability (n.): the ability to deny any involvement with illegal or unethical activities due to a lack of clear evidence
covet (v.): yearn to possess
cornerstone (n.): an important feature that something else depends on

