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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week30 (November 10-16 2022)

This week's theme is: Wining & Dining

Part 1: Rules for wining and dining clients
hearty: (adj.) healthy and filling
come in handy: (v.) to be useful
foundation: (n.): the basic/underlying yet vital part of something
butter (someone) up: (v.): do things to make someone more agreeable
tackle: (v.): to deal with or discuss a problem in detail with the aim of solving it
sticking point: (n.): an obstacle to progress
ostentatious: (adj.): showy or flashy
pain point: (n.): a recurring problem that frequently annoys customers
golden rule: (n.): the most important rule
upfront: (adj.): honest;frank
stray into: (v.): go somewhere you didn’t intend or shouldn’t be
tempted to do: (phrase) to have an urge or desire to do something
confidential: (adj.): intended to be kept secre

