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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week12 (June 24-30 2023)

Case Study: Why Facebook Failed in Japan

Part 1: Reading
 -Some of the reasons that Facebook failed

traction (n): the progress gained by a business or product in attracting and retaining customers or users
alignment (n): agreement between different elements, such as goals or strategies within a business context
user interface (n): visual and interactive components of a software or application that enable users to interact with and navigate the system
user experience (n): overall experience and satisfaction of a user while interacting with a product, system, or service
skeptical (adj): doubtful or questioning attitude towards something
unsolicited (adj): not requested or asked for
dampened (v): reduce or diminish the intensity, impact, or enthusiasm of something
negative appraisal (n): critical or unfavorable evaluation or assessment of something or someone
self-disclosure (n): act of revealing personal information, feelings, or thoughts about oneself to others
versatile (adj): having flexibility and usefulness across different contexts or situations
integrates (v): combine or merge different elements, systems, or components together to form a unified whole

Part 2: Choose the correct piece of vocabulary and fill in the blanks

Part 3: Open Discussion
1.Are the assumptions about Japanese customers correct?
2.Do you prefer to remain anonymous when using SNS or online services?
