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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week24 (September 24-30 2024)

Topic: Social Media Marketing

Part 1: What are the benefits of marketing on TikTok?

  1. People are using TikTok to find products
  2. You have a higher chance of going viral
  3. Influencer marketing opportunities are abundant

Part 2: Video
cash in: (v.) to get advantage (usually money) from an event or situation
legion: (n.) a vast number of people or things
huff and puff: (v.) to breathe loudly due to physical effort
snuggle: (v.) settle or move into a warm, comfortable position
scour: (v.) thoroughly search
consumer: (n.) a person who purchases goods and services for personal use
vibe: (n.) informal word for atmosphere.
