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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week11 (June 17-23 2024)

Topic: Case Study – Blockbuster Vs. Netflix

Part 1: Video
titan: (n.) a person of great strength or importance (in this case a company)
meteoric: (adj.) very rapid (usually for a rise or fall)
inception: (n.) the starting point of an institution
recoup: (v.) regain (something lost or spent)
market cap: (n.) short for market capitalisation – the value of a company traded on the stock market
showdown: (n.) a confrontation intended to settle a dispute.

Part2: Reading
broadband: (n.) transmission of data over a high-speed connection
on the cusp of (something): (phrase) about to be a particular state
render: (v.) cause to be or become
iffy: (adj.) doubtful
mantra: (n.) a statement or slogan repeated frequently
hand: (n.) the cards held by a player in a card game
materialize: (v.) become actual fact
tarnish: (v.) make/become less valuable or respected.

