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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week41 (February 1-7 2022)

This week's topic is: Case Study - Netflix

pick up (phr. v) to improve, especially economically
a top line (n.) a reference to gross figures reported by a company, such as sales or revenue. It is called the top line because it is displayed at the very top of a company's income statement, and is reserved for the reporting of gross sales or revenue
brick-and-mortar (adj.) a business that operates conventionally rather than (or as well as) over the internet
disappeared without a trace (idiom) without leaving any signs to show where someone or something went ‘He disappeared/vanished without a trace’
ahead of the curve (idiom) ahead of current thinking or trends
(a) mass market (approach) (phrase) a marketing strategy in which a firm decides to ignore market segment differences and appeal to the whole market with one offer or one strategy
get going (phr. v) start happening or taking place; to leave for somewhere else
scale (v.) increase or reduce in size
exponential (adj.) (of an increase) becoming more and more rapid
year on year (adj) (of figures, prices, etc.) as compared with the corresponding ones from a year earlier
open-source (adj.) denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified
play out (idiom) develop in a particular way
powerhouse (n.) a person or thing of great energy, strength, or power.
