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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week39 (January 17-24 2022)

This week's topic is: Catering for the masses

a game changer (idiom.) - it has a big and important effect on something, usually making something better, more effective, etc.
pull off (phrasal v.) – succeed in achieving
finesse (n.) - impressive delicacy and skill
head and shoulders above (idiom.) - someone or something is much better than others
make or break (idiom.) – to help someone or something to be very successful or to cause them to fail completely
phenomenon (n.) – an observable fact or event
footfall (n.) – the number of people entering somewhere
spell disaster (idiom.) – to indicate, contribute to, or display signs of an impending and severe failure or disaster
salvage (v.) – rescue or save something from loss
ticking over (phrasal v.) –work or function at a basic level
scope out (phrasal v.) – to look at.
