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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week47 (March 18-24 2025)

Debate Week

Debate Topic: Is meat eating morally defensible?

be challenged: (v.) (of an established idea) to be argued against
seminal: (adj.) very important and influential
sentient: (adj.) having consciousness
rearing: (v.) the process of raising, feeding, breeding, and taking care of domestic animals
proponent: (n.) defender, supporter
procure: (v.) to get possession of, or obtain (something)
scarcity: (n.) the lack of a resource
grazing animals: (n.) animals that feed on grass, like cows, goats and sheep
cropping: (adj.) related to crops, plants that are grown and harvested
habitat: (n.) an animal’s natural living environment
arable: (adj.) (of land) able to be used for growing crops.

Other keywords that might be useful:
nutritional needs: (n.) the needs of people for essential nutrients, like proteins and vitamins.
ethical hunting: (n.) a form of hunting that is sustainable and tries to minimize harm.
plant-based alternatives: (n.) products made from plants that are meant to replace animal-based foods.
animal cruelty: (n.) inflicting unnecessary harm on animals.
slaughter: (n.) the killing of animals for food (implies violence).
