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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week18 (August 8-14 2023)

Topic: Juvenile Delinquency

Part1: Reading
onset: (n.) the initial stages of something negative (such as a disease)
delinquent: (adj. / n.) a young person engaged in illegal, criminal or violent behaviour
chronic: (adj.) a condition or disease that lasts for a long time and is an ongoing issue
ensnarl: (v.) become tangled up or involved in something
recidivism: (n.) the tendency of a criminal to return to illegal behaviour after incarceration
deter (someone) from: (v.) stop or prevent someone from doing something
juvenile: (n.) (legal term) someone who is too young to be legally considered an adult
attribute (something) to (something): (v.) believe something to be the cause of a situation
confrontational: (adj.) a behavior that aggressively and directly sparks discussion with opposing parties based on disagreements.

Part2: Video
hands-on: (adj.) (in this case) be physical or forceful with the kids
“mark their body with chalk”: (phrase said in the video) the police officer is referring to the possibility of these kids being found dead (maybe in some fight or being pursued by the police) and then having the outline of their body drawn with chalk by the police
cater to (something): (v.) (in this case) to adapt or change the way something is done after acknowledging a factor.

Discussion Questions:
Q. What do you think is an effective measure to prevent youngsters from living a life of crime?
Q. What do you think makes a child behave that way in the first place?
Q. What do you know about young delinquents in Japan?
