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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week32 (November 24-30 2023)

Topic: Hustle Culture

Part1: Reading
hustle: (v.) work multiple jobs and increase one’s working hours to achieve success
grind: (v.) (similar to “hustle”) work very hard and non-stop doing the same thing every day without giving up
buy into (an idea): (v.) be convinced by/believe in an idea and have it as part of your personal belief system
instill (an idea) (in someone): (v.) make someone have a deep, strong belief in an idea
push (someone) out of (their) comfort zone: (phrase) make someone do something they are not used to, and wouldn’t do themselves without that push
red flag: (n.) a sign that there is something wrong or ill-intended about a person/idea/etc.

Discussion question:
In what ways can a burned-out employee cost more to the company?

Part2: Video
anthropologist: (n.) a scientist who studies humanity in a social/cultural aspect (often studying indigenous communities)
hunter-gatherer community: (n.) a society that obtains its food by both hunting and gathering fruits/cereals/vegetables as opposed to raising animals/growing plants
pepper (something): (idiom) fill or cover something with a liberal amount of scattered items
survival of the fittest/dog-eat-dog world: (expression) used to say the world is a rough place full of competition where you can’t trust anyone
red in tooth and claw: (adj.) (idiom) used to refer to a very violent and brutal situation; especially used to refer to nature and animals struggling for survival
pluck: (v.) pull something small that’s attached to something else; in this case, take fruits/vegetables form where they are growing
marginal amount: (n.) a very small amount
egalitarian: (adj.) referring to a society or community that’s very equal; no difference in power between its members
mock: (v.) make fun of
scrawny: (adj.) very thin, bony and weak-looking
turn (someone) down: (v.) refuse someone’s offer.

Discussion Questions:
- The sentiment behind hustle culture is essential, otherwise people have no other reason to work hard. Discuss.
- Even supposing we naturally only work about 15 hours a week, the current lifestyle we have demands us to work 35+, which by itself is not unhealthy. Discuss.
- Do you think Gen Z has different goals and priorities to older generations when it comes to work?
- Modern forms of taking a break, such as looking at social media on one’s phone or YouTube videos, are way too distracting and don’t provide true breaks. Discuss.
