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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week15 (July 18-24 2023)

Topic: The Amazon Crisis

Part1: Article
span (a territory): (v.) to cover a territory; usually used when giving dimensions
vital: (adj.) crucial, very important
photosynthesize: (v.) plants turning sunlight into energy and releasing oxygen
greenhouse gas: (n.) any gas that traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere
logging: (n.) the process of cutting down trees for timber or wood
rampant: (adj.) uncontrolled, widespread
flock: (v.) move or go together in a crowd
agribusiness: (n.) the business of agriculture (plantations and raising animals in farms)
pasture: (n.) grassland suitable for grazing animals such as cattle
deforestation: (n.) the action of clearing a wide area of trees
demarcated: (adj.) clearly set boundaries showing where one thing ends and another begins

Part2: Video
federal agent: (n.) an official working for the government to enforce laws
reserve: (n.) a protected area set aside for preserving natural habitats
extinction: (n.) the complete disappearance of a species or ethnic group
chase away: (v.) pursue and force someone to leave
excavator: (n.) a heavy construction machine for digging and moving earth
devastation: (n.) severe destruction or damage caused by natural disasters or wars
mercury: (n.) a toxic metal harmful for the environment and human health
take office: (v.) take a position as a government official; (in this case) become the president
expel: (v.) forcefully remove someone or something.

Discussion Questions:
Q. Environmental concerns and the interests of the lucrative and financially important agribusiness in Brazil are clashing. What can be done in a situation like this?
Q. Some researches challenge the claim that the Amazon is “the lungs of the planet”. If that is truly not the case, how does that change the discussion?
Q. What is necessary for the world to finally advance environmental causes in a large scale?

