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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week17 (August 1-7 2022)

This week's topic is: Separating the Art from the Artist

Part1 Vocabulary:
reconcile: (v.) make two or more things consistent or compatible
proclivity: (n.) an inclination or predisposition
prolific: (adj.) productive and successful
quandary: (n.) a state of uncertainty when in a difficult situation
heirloom:(n.) an old object of value (here “an old concept”)
spark of: (phrase) a moment of strong inspiration, usually used with “creativity” or “genius”
scathing: (adj.) scornful or severely critical
higher calling: (phrase) a message or order received from God
dwell on: (v.) to spend a long time thinking about something (often a negative subject)
tenet: (n.) principle
aesthetic: (n.) related to appearance.

Part2 Vocabulary:
canceled: (adj.) here the word refers to “cancel culture”, which is the idea of purposefully stop supporting a public figure for something they did or said
tangible: (adj.) concrete or real
a plethora of: (phrase) a large variety of
footnote: (n.) a less important piece of information
vilify: (v.) to treat someone as an agent of evil
hold (someone) accountable: (phrase) to make sure someone takes the responsibility for their action, usually punishment
perpetuate: (v.) make something continue indefinitely
inadvertently: (adv.) in a way that is not intentional
be at stake: (phrase) be under the risk of being lost.
