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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week46 (March 11-17 2024)

Topic: IDF’s Social Media Presence

Part1: Reading

lush: (adj.) (of hair, grass or similar) beautiful, often long and soft
rack up: (v.) accumulate something as an achievement
coquettish: (adj.) (of a woman) being flirtatious
rear end: (n.) respectful way to refer to one’s buttocks
reservist: (n.) a member of the military reserve forces; waiting for a call to join the action
preen: (n.) (negative) spend a long time making oneself look attractive
propaganda: (n.) biased or misleading information, usually in support of a specific political party, system or movement
brandish: (v.) shake or wave a weapon in a menacing way
thirst trap: (n.) (internet slang) a type of social media post intended to entice viewers sexually; “thirst” refers to a viewer's "thirst" for sexual content
(something)-savvy: (adj.) understand a lot about it and be on top of its trends
baffle: (v.) make someone totally confused
lip-sync: (v.) move one’s lips and pretend to sing a song as it’s played
disorient: (v.) make someone feel lost and confused.

Part2: Reading
circulate: (v.) go around and spread
vicious: (adj.) deliberately cruel or violent
gruesome: (adj.) violent imagery, often involving blood.
