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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week22 (September 8-14 2023)

Topic: Is Twitter Dying?

Part1: Video
overhaul: (v.) make significant changes to a system, organization or process
board of directors: (n.) a group of individuals responsible for making major decisions chosen to represent the interests of shareholders in a company
moderation: (n.) the process of monitoring user-generated content to ensure that it complies with the platform's rules
verified account: (n.) a social media account that has been made official by the platform management to prevent fakes
blue check: (n.) an icon placed beside a user’s name on Twitter to show they are a verified account
prickly:(adj.) someone who easily takes offense and reacts defensively
ugly duckling: (idiom) (usually) one that stands out from a group as being the one that is inferior but eventually changes into something successful (in this case, he used it more like “black sheep”)
gut (something): (v.) remove the contents of something by force, destroy
see a surge in (something): (phrase) a noticeable rise in something
racial slur: (n.) words that carry race-based discrimination
tempt in: (v.) attract.

Part2: Reading
pool of (something): (n.) a group of things available to be selected (example: the pool of characters in a fighting game)
brute force: (v.) using direct effort, strength or power to deal with something, as opposed to using elaborate or sophisticated methods
crash and burn: (phrase) be drastically unsuccessful
bloated: (adj.) has more than necessary; (in this case) too many functions and large storage requirements
cluster: (v.) group together.

Discussion Questions
Do you agree that this task will be near impossible for Musk?
Musk is just a billionaire with too much money, he’s not any kind of genius. Discuss.
There are countries out there with similar characteristics to China when WeChat developed, so it can be done. Discuss.
