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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week26 (October 8-14 2023)

Topic: Political Correctness

Part1: Reading

camp: (n.) a side in a particular discussion
in a nutshell: (phrase) in summary; to explain briefly
assume: (v.) to think something is true without any proof
sexual orientation: (n.) the sex(es) one is naturally attracted to
suck the fun out of (something): (phrase) make something that’s supposed to be fun become unfun through a behavior regarded as negative
ruffle (someone’s) feathers: (idiom) to cause someone to become angry or annoyed.

Discussion Question:
Have you noticed any changes in language or culture due to PC in Japan?

Part2: Video
subscribe to (an idea): (v.) believe or be a supporter of an idea or opinion
cruel: (adj.) mean or purposefully causing suffering without regret
the human condition: (n.) experiences and challenges that are intrinsic to being a human being; including physical, emotional, social, and philosophical aspects
as far as I’m concerned: (phrase) as far as I know; indicates that it’s only someone’s opinion or assessment.

Discussion Questions (part 2):

  1. Do you think the joke John Cleese told is critical like he claims?
  2. Do you agree with John Cleese’s views on what comedy should be?
  3. Political correctness is not adding limitations to freedom of speech; it is protecting those who historically did not have a voice to defend themselves and promoting respect. Discuss.
  4. Comedy should always punch up, not down. Discuss.

