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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week27 (October 15-21 2022)

This week's topic is: A.I. Art

Part 1:  The AI that creates any picture you want, explained
overstate: (v.) exaggerate a statement
in leaps and bounds: (phrase) improve or develop very quickly
sought to be:(phrase) desired or strived to be
scraped from: (phrase) taken from; especially information or data from the internet or another type of database
deep learning: (n.) a type of machine learning; AI software being trained by exposition to data and automated trial and error
metric: (n.) measurement system used for comparison; usually a technical term
variable:(n.) an element that can have many different values; usually in a mathematical formula or in programming.

Part 2: Youtube comments from part 1’s video
hinder: (v.) make a process difficult
empathize: (v.) understand someone’s feelings or opinion on an emotional level
inclusiveness: (n.) making sure that all types of people (especially disabled people or minorities) can participate or are represented in something
turning point: (n.) a time at which a decisive change in a situation occurs
feed off: (v.) to gain or absorb strength from something.

