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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week29 (November 3-9 2023)

Listening Exercises

assume (something): (v.) believe something is true judging from the looks of something or some information gathered, but not know the truth
anemic: (adj.) a condition in which there is a shortage of normal red blood cells, often leading to fatigue and pale skin
albino: (adj.) a condition in which melanin, responsible for the color of the skin, is absent
small talk: (n.) conversation about trivial topics, especially when the two parties are not familiar with each other
dead-end job: (n.) a job where there is little or no chance of career development and advancement into a better position
attic: (n.) a room inside the roof of a building
oversharing: (n.) saying too much personal information to others (negative).

Part 1: Vocabulary Challenge

Part 2: Comprehension Questions

Discussion Questions:
- What do you think is “your thing” in the eyes of your family and friends?
- Have you ever felt like you were in a dead-end job?
