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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week35 (December 15-21 2023)

Topic: The Camp Aesthetic

Part1: Reading
artifice: (n.) the deliberate use of techniques or stylistic choices which are clearly artificial, in order to emphasize the artist’s manipulation of the medium
pastiche: (n.) an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period
chinoiserie: (n.) the European interpretation and imitation of Chinese and other East Asian artistic traditions, especially in the decorative arts, garden design and architecture
caricature: (n.) a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect
axis: (n.) an imaginary line; (in this case) a scale
cardboard cut-out: (adj.) a cheap imitation of something without any depth or real quality.

Part2: Video
set out to (do): start an endeavour with the ultimate goal of (doing)
epicene: (adj.) having characteristics of the male and female sex at the same time
motion graphics: (n.) visual effects and animation convey information, enhance storytelling, or add visual interest to a piece of content
transvestite: (n.) a relatively old-fashioned term that refers to cross-dressers and sometimes mistakenly to transpeople.

Discussion Questions:
- Discuss the quote: “camp sees everything in quotations”.
- Discuss the quote: “movies that attempt seriousness and ultimately fail are ultimately categorized as camp”.
- Why is it that some people have a fascination for camp?
- Camp’s prioritizing of aesthetics first results in empty works of art. Discuss.
