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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week8 (May 25-31 2024)

Topic: Higgs Boson

Part1: Video
The Higgs boson is a particle that was theorized by physicist Peter Higgs in 1964 and (probably) finally found in 2012. Its discovery made the news worldwide, especially because of its catchy nickname: The God Particle. This video explains what this particle represents and what it means to physics.

boson: (n.) a specific type of particle
aimlessly: (adv.) without a purpose or destination
matter: (n.) physical substance
mass: (n.) the amount of matter or substance that makes up an object (and unlike weight, it does not change)
subatomic: (adj.) smaller than atoms
whizz: (v.) move quickly through the air
drag: (v.) move slowly and with difficulty
whirl: (v.) move while doing a spinning motion
whack (something): (v.) hit or strike forcefully
wham: (onomatopoeia) the sound of a big impact
dark matter: (n.) an invisible substance that holds galaxies together with its gravity.

Part2: Reading

harmonious universe
by way of: (adv.) through
building blocks: (n.) the basic components of something; often used in science to talk about atoms, genes, etc.
gist: (n.) the general idea
ethereal: (adj.) light, airy or otherworldly
straddle the line: (v.) extend over both sides of a line
inherently: (adv.) natural to someone or something; exists regardless of outside influence
get bogged down: (v.) (in this case) become physically slowed down.
