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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week31 (November 17-23 2023)

Topic: The Third Gender

Part1: Reading
within a (something) framework: (phrase) describes a situation or context where a set of principles, rules, or a structured system is being applied or followed
effeminate: (adj.) a man with traits associated with women (can sound derogative).

Part2: Video
biological sex: (n.) the sex (male/female) observable by genitalia, chromosomes, etc.
retrospectively: (adv.) looking at past events
androphilic: (adj.) (scientific term) individuals attracted to the male sex
genetic advantage: (n.) a trait that allows a species to survive and continue to reproduce
heterosexist assumption: (n.) an assumption that heterosexual orientations are the norm or default
interplayed components: (n.) elements that interact with each other
fraternal birth order effect: (n.) (scientific term) phenomenon where later-born males are more likely to be gay, possibly due to an immune response in the mother
tolerant of (something): (adj.) be able to accept or endure a particular situation without becoming bothered by it.

Discussion question: Does humanity understanding the science behind homosexuality help or hinder the debate?

Discussion Questions:
 - The whole concept of gender should be abolished; it only creates separation and discrimination.
- The fact that there are universal patterns in both men and women proves that gender is inseparable from sex.
- Have you ever felt like who you are gender-wise doesn’t fully match who you were raised to be?
