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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week5 (May 4-10 2024)

Listeninn Exercise

morbid: (adj.) related to death; dark or gloomy
be likened to (something): (pattern) be considered similar to
dissection: (n.) the action of cutting a body open to study its internal parts
sentient: (adj.) have consciousness
diagnose: (v.) to medically determine a patient’s condition
fired up: (adj.) in an energized and excited state
recorded instance of (something): (pattern) a specific case of something being recognized and recorded
have the benefit of (noun): (phrase) have an advantage because of (noun) / faint: (adj.) weak, not clear or easily detected
whirlwind: (n.) a column of air moving round and round; (in this case) a tumultuous or eventful process
severed head: (n.) a head that has been separated from its body
twist: (v.) turn or bend into a specified position
grimace: (n.) a distorted facial expression that often shows disgust or pain
sensational: (adj.) causing public interest and excitement.
