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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week44 (February 22-28 2024)

Topic: White Skin Obsession

Part1: Reading

cosmopolitan: (adj.) related to massive, wealthy and developed cities
stigma: (n.) a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that society has about something
go to some/great lengths: (phrase) make extra effort to achieve something to some degree (“some”) or to an extreme degree (“great”)
array: (n.) an impressive display of a particular item
active ingredient: (n.) a substance that can provoke change in the organisms that consume it
hyperpigmentation: (n.) any condition that causes parts of the skin to become darker due to excessive melanin
 formulation: (n.) a mixture prepared according to a formula
derivative: (n.) a substance that is derived chemically from a compound
melanin (n.) a dark pigment found in the body responsible for tanning skin exposed to sunlight
the jury is (still) out: (phrase) a decision hasn’t been made yet.

Part2: Video

Don Draper: (fictional character) famous character in the TV show Mad Man; he’s a very successful and respected creative director at an advertising firm
arranged/fixed marriage: (n.) a marriage where the couple was chosen by the parents or matchmaker rather than the people themselves
pre-requisite: (n.) a necessary condition to qualify for something
credentials: (n.) qualifications or achievements in one’s background related to one’s career
campaign: (n.) an organized effort towards a political or social goal
embedded in: (adj.) deeply connected to, an integral part of a system.
