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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week6 (May 11-17 2024)

Topic: Electric Cars

Part1: Reading

greenhouse gas: (n.) gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, such as carbon monoxide and methane
(gas) emission: (n.) the release of something (usually gas)
come out ahead: (v.) win or have an advantage in a competition.

Part2: Video

phase (something) out: gradually discontinue the practice, production, or use of / tailpipe: (n.) the pipe at the back of a vehicle
humanitarian: (adj.) related to issues regarding the quality of life for (especially) impoverished or war-stricken communities
ecosystem: (n.) an environment where plants and animals have complex relationships
DRC: (abbreviation) Democratic Republic of the Congo
airborne particles: (n.) sub-micron particles with low mass that become suspended in the air and are invisible to the eye
silver bullet: (idiom) a simple and seemingly magical solution to a complicated problem
net zero (emission): (adj.) no overall effect because negative values are balanced out by positive ones; often used in the context of carbon emission meaning the amount released into the atmosphere is equal to the amount removed from it.
