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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week28 (October 22-28 2023)

Topic: The Turing Test

Part1: Video
neurons: (n.) a specialized cell in the nervous system that transmits information, especially in the brain
spark: (n.) (in this case) a unique, special quality
disregard: (v.) judge as not important
propose: (v.) introduce an idea
change substantially: (phrase) change a large amount
jump the gun: (idiom) act hastily without waiting for the appropriate moment
non-sequitur : (n.) a statement or conclusion that does not logically follow the previous one.

Part2: Reading
resemble: (v.) be similar to; make people remember something or someone
engage in conversation: (phrase) participate in a conversation; react to what the other party says and introduce new topics or questions
hallucinate:(v.) think that one is seeing or hearing something that isn’t there (often under the influence of drugs or stress)
implications: (n.) the possible results or consequences linked to a specific situation, action, or idea.

Discussion Questions:
- The potential benefits of AI outweigh the dangers. Discuss.
- What are some ethical dilemmas or trust issues that could rise from the creation of convincing AI?
- What other kinds of tests do you think could be more effective at evaluating AI intelligence?
