Topic: Race Change To Another (RCTA)
Part1: Reading
be doxxed: (v.) have one’s private information revealed online with malicious intent
lo-fi: (adj./n.) short for “low fidelity”, meaning a digital video or audio file that has low quality; (in this case) a genre of music that intentionally tries to sound like a low quality recording or file
purport: (v.) claim to be
evoke (something): (v.) bring or recall an image, memory or feeling
ramble: (v.) speak in a long and unclear way
get lost in the sauce: (idiom) (not common) become too detached from reality
stem from: (v.) come from.
Part2: Video
all things (topic): (pattern) everything related to (topic)
inclusive: (adj.) being accepting of diversity and allowing all types of people to feel comfortable
deem (someone) (something): (v.) regard or consider as
effectively: (adv.) (in this case) same as “in effect” or “in practice”, related to the final result of an action (especially when not intentional)
trivialize: (v.) treat a topic as trivial and remove its weight or importance
identify as (something): (v.) related to someone’s identity or how they see themselves
mandatory: (adj.) obligatory, compulsory
honorary citizenship: (n.) a status given by a government to someone in order to recognize them as important to that region or country (not real citizenship).