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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week35 (December 15-21 2024)

Debate Week

Topic: Has globalization made the world too homogenous?

Understanding the topic (Video)
prosperity: (n.) a state of being successful and wealthy
innovation: (n.) developing a new method, idea, product, etc.
foster (something): (v.) encourage the development of (something)
erosion: (n.) (in this case) gradual destruction
environmental degradation: (n.) the process of the environment suffering harm due to human activities
exploitation: (n.) treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.

Other keywords that might be useful:
cultural diversity: (n.) the amount of different cultures that coexist in a given place.
homogenization: (n.) the process of losing diversity as things become similar to one another.
Westernization: (n.) the process of a culture changing and becoming more Western.
global trends: (n.) trends in culture or in the business world that happen worldwide.
cross-cultural: (adj.) related to exchange between different cultures despite differences in values or practice
