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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week34 (December 8-14 2024)

Topic: Tarot and Fortune-telling

Part1: Reading
thieving: (n.) stealing
derive from: (v.) come from (related to the origin of something)
archetypal: (adj.) related to an archetype; a model or pattern that represents a theme or idea
needy: (adj.) overly dependent on others; desperately needing help
wretch: (n.) a person in a miserable condition
pernicious: (adj.) that which causes harm or destruction
endorsement: (n.) support for a person, idea or brand
under false pretence: (adv.) do something because of a belief that is misled or because of an untrue claim
fare (well/badly/etc.): (v.) related to how successful something is

Part2: Video
mystic: (n.) someone who studies spirituality or the supernatural and connects with it through meditation or similar practice
suit: (n.) a group of cards in a deck identified by its symbol, color or similar code
pentacle: (n.) a magical symbol used in mysticism and the occult, showing a pentagram (5-pointed star) inside a circle
material world: (n.) the physical world, as opposed to spirits, the afterlife, etc.

