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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week23 (September 17-23 2024)

Debate Week

Debate Topic: Parental Supervision vs. Child Independence

Understanding the topic: Reading
be in sync with/be attuned to: (pattern) be in a similar emotional mood to someone else, and thus be aware of their feelings, needs, etc.
comprise of (something): (v.) include, feature, be made of
overstimulate: (v.) give someone too much information or force them to engage in an activity to the point of tiring or stressing them
synchrony: (n.) people or events matching in timing, rhythm, thoughts, etc.

Other keywords that might be useful:
monitoring: (n.) closely watching someone’s every action.
have autonomy: (v.) be independent; self-sufficient; not require others’ support in one’s life.
decision-making skills: (n.) being able to assess a situation and make carefully thought-out decisions.
(parental) involvement: (n.) participating, supporting and helping someone in their decisions and tasks.
have a direction in life: (v.) have a clear plan for one’s life and future.

