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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week22 (September 10-16 2024)

Topic: Politicians Fighting for Marginalized* Issues 
*marginalized: treated as insignificant, often ignored

Part1: Reading

exuberant: (adj.) vibrant, full of life and energy
fiery: (adj.) passionate, showing strong emotion
parliament: (n.) the group of a nation’s legislators
legislator: (n.) politicians who discuss and vote on new laws and changes to existing ones
bear: (v.) have, hold, carry
local council: (n.) local government for a town or county
shoot to fame: (idiom) suddenly become very famous
go toe-to-toe: (idiom) competing or fighting with someone in an intense manner
spar: (v.) argue
snappy: (adj.) quick, short and impactful
retort: (n.) an answer to criticism or insult
scrutiny: (n.) being criticized, critically examined
be outed: (v.) (of an LGBTQ+ person) being forced by others to admit their identity or sexuality.

Part 2: Writing exercise
What marginalized issue should receive more attention from authorities? Introduce the issue, justify its need for urgency and think of some possible policies to address it (at least 2).

