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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week20 (August 25-31 2024)

Topic: Unethical Labor

Part1: Reading

industry insider: (n.) either someone with a position of power in that industry or someone related to it in some way holding confidential information
smallholder: (n.) a person who owns an agricultural unit smaller than a farm
trickle down: (v.) (literally) a liquid on a surface running down; (figurative) a process that starts at a high position (e.g. a decision made by a CEO) and its influence gradually reaches lower positions.

Part2: Video

crawling with (something): (v.) (of a place) full of some type of animal, insect or person (usually in a negative sense)
colonial exploitation: (n.) the unrestrained use of a place for its resources or people by a colonial force
in great abundance: (adv.) in high quantities
wretched conditions: (n.) very bad or unfortunate conditions
squalor:(n.) the state of being extremely dirty or unpleasant (especially as a result of poverty or neglect).

