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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week17 (August 1-7 2024)

Listening Exercise

Why Starbucks Failed In Australia

Starbucks can be found all over the world, from Shanghai to Guantanamo Bay. But there is one continent that was uninterested in the coffee giant – Australians largely rejected Starbucks' attempted takeover.

break into a market: (v.) successfully join a market after passing through some kind of barrier or difficulty
A is true for B: (pattern) A applies for B (e.g. "The rule 'no food in the library' is true for all students)
roll out: (v.) introducing a new product, service or strategy to the market
appetite for (something): (n.) desire or want
retreat: (v.) return or back away after a conflict
be immersed in (something): (v.) have a deep level of engagement with something
commodity: (n.) a raw material or crude product (as opposed to a finished product with branding)
perk (someone) up: (v.) make someone feel more energetic or cheerful
ounce: (unit of measurement, often for liquids) equivalent to 30ml
sophisticated: (adj.) showing refinement or knowledge of culture.

Part 2: Comprehension Questions
