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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week16 (July 25-31 2024)

Topic: Afraid of Intimacy

Part1: Video
emotionally fluent: (adj.) someone who is in touch with their feelings, doesn’t hold them back and is capable of expressing them verbally
unyielding: (adj.) not willing to change one’s behavior
incontrovertible: (adj.) undeniable
(someone’s) credibility: (n) believability (how easy it is to believe what they claim)
under duress: (adv.) under pressure or threat
religious edict: (n.) a rule issued by a religious authority
(familiar) injunction: (n.) an order by an authority (in this case, someone in the family)
belittling: (adj.) dismissing of the importance of another person
persecutory: (adj.) related to persecution, the act of insisting on pressuring or punishing someone
frigid: (adj.) lacking warmth or affection
blockhead: (n.) a stupid person
tenderness: (n.) gentleness or kindness

Part2: Reading
Neon Genesis Evangelion:  (anime) popular Japanese anime from the 90s that had the hedgehog’s dilemma as one of its main themes and introduced the dilemma by name
parable: (n.) a simple story used to illustrate a moral lesson (commonly used to refer to stories told by Jesus in the Bible)
huddle: (v.) gather or crowd together
prick: (v.) pierce slightly with a sharp point
quill: (n.) the sharp spines of a porcupine, hedgehog or similar
repel: (v.) force to back away, create distance.
