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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week15 (July 18-24 2024)

Debate Week

Topic: Are professional athletes overpaid?

polarizing topic: (n.) a topic that splits people’s opinions and gives room to debate
shy of (number): (adv.) close to (number)
residency: (n.) a part of a doctor’s training where they work with real patients but still under supervision.

dribble (a basketball): (v.) move through the court while bouncing the ball
endorsement: (n.) some form of public announcement of support or approval (for a brand, politician, etc)
be given a bad rep: (pattern) have a negative reputation.

Other keywords that might be useful:
generate revenue: (pattern) through sales or one’s work, allow a company to make money.
entertainment value: (n.) the perceived value of something related to its perceived enjoyment.
endorsement deal: (n.) a deal between a public figure and a company or service where the figure must publicly endorse it.
career span: (n.) how long someone’s career is or can be.
contribute to society: (pattern) give something of value to society through one’s work or achievements.
concentration of wealth: (n.) the distribution of wealth and resources in the world being unbalanced, with a few controlling most of it.

