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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week9 (June 3-9 2024)

Listening Exercise

haole: (n.) (Hawaiian term) someone who is not from Hawaii, especially a white person
missionary: (n.) a person sent out on a religious mission, especially to promote Christianity
inheritance: (n.) something received after the death of the previous owner
lease: (n.) a contract by which a property owner allows another to rent it
perpetuity: (n.) the quality of being eternal
trust: (n.) a legal contract where one party manages another’s properties or assets
parcel: (n.) a part of something
blow money: (v.) spend money quickly and uncontrollably
stingy: (adj.) someone who tries as much as possible to not spend money
bid: (n.) an offer at an auction
be fooled: (v.) be tricked or lied to
bum: (n.) a derogative word for the homeless and wanderers
stuntman: (n.) someone who’s job is to perform difficult action scenes (stunts) in place of the actors
Kauai: (n.) one of the Hawaiian islands.
