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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week47 (March 18-24 2024)

Topic: The Drake Equation

Part1: Video
be capable of (something): (adj.) has the ability to do something
radio astronomy: (n.) a part of astronomy (the study of the universe) that focuses on observing other celestial bodies with radio telescopes
Milky Way: (n.) the name of our galaxy
fraction: (n.) a part of a whole number
in a given (something): (pattern) in a particular (something); used to introduce examples without specifying
ecological: (adj.) refers to nature and the environment
suitable for life: (phrase) the conditions allow life to exist
intelligence: (n.) (in this case) the existence of an intelligent civilization
be graced by (something): (pattern) be honored or blessed by the presence or experience of something beautiful, valuable, or significant
estimate (a number): (v.) roughly calculate through data or thinking.

Part2: Reading
solar system: (n.) the sun and all the planets/moons/etc. that orbit around it
interstellar: (adj.) occurring or situated between stars
paradox: (n.) two ideas or facts that are both true but show a contradiction; often used as a thought experiment
the implications (of something): (n.) the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated
infeasible: (adj.) not feasible (possible or doable).
