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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week39 (January 18-24 2024)

Topic: Fast Fashion

Part1: Reading
retailer: (n.) a person or business that sells goods to the public (not for another company for resale)
cocktail dress: (n.) a party dress
be dubbed (…): (v.) be given the unofficial name (…)
symbiotic relationship: (n.) (biology) a relationship between two organisms in nature that can be beneficial for one or both
garment: (n.) an item of clothing
back payment: (n.) payment for work done in the past (where payment was not made at the time the work was done)
shirk responsibility: (v.) avoid dealing with one’s responsibilities
behemoth: (n.) (originally) a biblical monster; (commonly) a large and powerful force
outsourced: (adj.) done by an external company contracted for that specific purpose.

Part2: Video
be on top of a trend: (phrase) be aware of current trends and become part of it
user engagement: (n.) the different ways a user interacts with digital content (clicking, sharing etc)
inventory turnover rate: (n.)  the rate at which inventory stock is sold/used and replaced
small-batch production/model: (n.) only a small amount produced
supplier: (n.) a person or organization that provides something needed such as a product or service
wax/wane: (v.) increase/decrease in intensity
fashion-conscious: (adj.) someone who is on top of fashion trends.

Discussion Questions:
What has led fast fashion brands to the success they have today?
People in third world countries often have no choice other than to buy from fast fashion stores. How can this situation be changed?
What measures can we take to make the best use of waste generated by fast-paced consumption of garments?
