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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week33 (December 1-7 2023)

Listening Exercise

diversity: (n.) a variety of something; (in this case, most likely) different kinds of people, beliefs, culture etc.
star-spangled: (adj.) used to refer to the American flag “the star-spangled banner”; means “covered with stars”
lead the world in (something): (phrase) be number 1 in a category
incarcerated: (adj.) arrested and put in jail
per capita: (adv.) “per person” (used when taking a number and dividing by the population)
what is right: (phrase) that which is morally correct
put (one’s) money where (one’s) mouth is: (idiom) actually taking action in order to do something one has been talking about
scare easy: (phrase) become easily scared; cowardly
informed: (adj.) the state of having received accurate and up-to-date information.

