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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week23 (September 17-23 2023)

Topic: Universal Basic Income

Part1: Reading
fluctuation: (n.) an irregular change in something over time
benefit payment: (n.) any kind of financial support provided for those in need, usually by governments
volatility: (n.) instability in the value or price of something
hold out: (v.)  wait for a better option instead of settling for something less desirable
recipient: (n.) someone who receives something, such as benefits or awards
disruption: (n.) an interruption on normal processes that lead to changes or challenges
roll-out: (n.) the gradual introduction or implementation of a new policy or system
Universal Credit: (n.) a type of social welfare program in the UK that combines various benefits and tax credits into a single payment to simplify them
claimant: (n.) (in this case) the person who has applied to receive benefits.

Part2: Video
at face value: (adv.) as it appears initially
raise the (financial) floor: (idiom) increase the standard of something by improving the lowest level of something; (in this case) the amount of money poor people make
infrastructure: (n.) basic physical and organizational structures and facilities of a city or building
without batting an eye: (adv.) showing no hesitation or emotional reaction
production line: (n.) a line of machines and workers in a factory that a product moves along while it is being made
flourish: (v.) thrive, develop successfully
day job: (n.) one’s job during regular working hours to earn a living, as opposed to secondary or part-time pursuits
massive/mass layoff:(n.) firing many employees at once
imperative: (adj.) something that has to be done; essential
workforce: (n.)the total number of people working in a society
at the expense of: (phrase) achieve something while sacrificing or causing harm to something else
runaway capitalism: (n.) a term critical of capitalism indicating extreme competition and exploitation
in tandem with: (phrase) together with; through cooperation.

Discussion Questions
-UBI would make people stop working and have a big negative impact on the economy. Discuss.
-Which is more beneficial: benefit systems or higher salary floors?
