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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week13 (July 1-7 2023)

Topic: Listening Exercise

hostile: (adj.) aggressive or threatening
hard of hearing: (adj.) someone with partial hearing loss
micromanagement: (n.) (in this case, Jim intentionally said the made-up word “microgement”) a form of business management that is excessively controlling, even over minute details
inappropriate: (adj.) not correct or acceptable for the situation
irate: (adj.) very angry.

Part1: Vocabulary challenge
Try to catch the expressions in the video and write down what you believe to be the meaning in the context or when it should be used.

Part2: Comprehension Questions
- What’s funny about this scene?
- What should a worker do when the client is being too difficult?
- Do you think Dwight behaved well or was he aggressive?
- Have you ever seen a relationship at work like Jim and Dwight’s? (where one is constantly making fun of the other and putting them in a humiliating position just for fun)

