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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week3 (April 15-21 2023)

This week's topic is: Credit Card Rewards

Part1: Article
cashback: (n.) a form of incentive offered to buyers of certain products where they receive a cash refund after making their purchase
gallingly: (adv.) that makes one irritated
inequitable: (adj.) unfair; not equal in value
idly: (adv.) without taking action
proactively: (adv.) with the first action coming from oneself, before others
preemptively: (adv.) doing something in advance, before a trouble arises
FICO credit score: (n.) a score given to consumers under the analysis of the FICO company, intending to serve as a reference to how trustworthy and financially active they are
foot the bill: (phrase) pay the bill for something, typically when the amount is considered large or unreasonable.

Part2: Video
optimize: (v.) make something be the best/most productive it can be
bachelor party: (n.) a party given by the man who is about to get married, usually to be spent with his closest male friends
(number) X: (phrase) times (number)
go to crazy lengths: (phrase) make a great effort to do something
Reddit: (n.) a popular forum website
go down the rabbit hole: (phrase) to start an activity that is increasingly more complex or time consuming
frugal: (adj.) spends money carefully.
